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Bitter Clingers Hang BY Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy. America is suffering through a leadership crisis that threatens to swamp the Ship of State in the shoals of collectivism, cronyism, and corruption. Our leaders dither around acting as if they use Dilbert as a leadership manual destroying the present for a utopian future that will never come to pass. They never seem to realize that their progressive collectivist diktats cause the symptoms they are implemented to cure. Just as the massive collectivization of America under Hoover and FDR made the Depression great so BHO’s stimuli and strangulation regulation has once again proven that you cannot spend your way to prosperity and that taking $10 out of your right hand pocket siphoning off 50% for handling and depositing $5 in your left pocket doesn’t make you any richer. In other words government doesn’t have anything to give anyone that it doesn’t take from someone else. We are surrounded by monuments of failed and farcical leadership. Our Dear Leader who will not utter the term “Radical Islamic Terrorism” tells us with a straight face that more people die in bathtub accidents than in terrorist attacks. This may be true however, using the analogy when asked about terrorism was obviously devised to make light of a threat that is real and at least worthy of being named and treated as the death dealing attack upon our nation that it is. One presidential candidate is a pathological liar grasping for power to do what? Generate even bigger donations from crony capitalists and foreign powers for the Clinton Global Crime Initiative and bigger speaking fees for Bubba. Speaking of which, what is the difference between Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton? This isn’t the set up for a joke it is a legitimate question concerning the comparison between a lecherous former president and a lecherous former TV star. Here’s the punchline. Bill Cosby is being tried by a crusading progressive judge for crimes in the past and Bill Clinton is lionized by crusading progressives in the media as our beloved ex-president who was smart enough to take credit for the laws forced upon him by the Gingrich Congress. Bill Cosby gets booked and Bill Clinton books another speaking tour. That’s the difference. We have another presidential candidate who is selling hope and change under the banner of making America great again. Having bought a few pigs in a poke in my life I have an uncanny ability to smell a pig when it walks into my living room. It reminds me of a time when I wanted to refinance a house. I decided to try one of the big online lenders who dominate a large portion of the click-for-cash market. I spend a few days filling out forms and speaking with a friendly customer service person.
Then the papers arrived for me to sign and the interest rate was quite a bit higher than we had agreed on. When I called the friendly customer service person they were still really friendly as they advised, “Oh, that’s just a typo. Go ahead and sign the papers any way and we’ll change the interest rate later.” Suddenly a strong pungent odor wafted into my living room and I declined the generous offer to hold the bag. I will recall this story and smell the wind as I vote this November. The largest 3rd party and the only one that is going to be on the ballot in all fifty states has a candidate who makes boring feel exciting, people stripping naked at their national convention, promotes open borders, free trade and doesn’t have a prayer. The best the political elites have to offer is launching a cypher as an independent candidate that they hope will force the election into the House where their golden boy Paul Ryan could engineer a pyric victory of the status quo. What’s a patriot who believes in limited government, individual freedom, and economic opportunity to do? Back in April of 2008 before our dear Leader was immaculated he addressed the reaction of the great unwashed in fly-over country by saying, “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” What was meant as a slur has become a badge of pride to many who proclaim, “I am a bitter clinger.” Rejecting the racist projection that anyone who does not embrace the globalist gelding of America we Bitter Clingers may cling to our guns (2nd Amendment) and our religion (1st Amendment). We don’t have any antipathy towards those who don’t look like us because to even say that we do is assuming that we all look alike and we don’t. We’re Americans and as such we look like everyone because we and our ancestors came from everywhere. To say we’re anti-immigrant is to say you can judge our hearts. We are actually pro-American and believe we should control our borders, decide who we want to join us as citizens, select the best and brightest and move forward. And to say we are anti-trade is like saying we don’t shop at Wal-Mart. We are anti-giveaway trade where we get cheap products at the cost of gutting our industrial base and out-sourcing our jobs. We want equitable trade, fair trade not we open our borders to the world and we still have to pay tariffs and fees to sell in other countries’ trade. Trump has uttered the politically-incorrect phrase we bitter clingers believe in America First. At least he has said it and perhaps now we can come in out of the shadows where the PC police have tried to marginalize us. The Silent Majority is silent no more. We want America First. We want leaders who will restore the Constitution. We want our country back! So what do we do? It is time for the bitter clingers to hang on because we are in for a bumpy ride. In the next few years we will either step on the yellow brick road that leads to a return to the greatness Americans once took for granted or we will continue our slide down the shoot into the shabby collectivist hellhole the progressives call utopia. Keep the Faith. Keep the peace. We shall overcome. Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens [email protected] Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens
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