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By Aleks Yakubssohn
As the debates on the nature, scope and need of American-Ukrainian relations do not subside and keep flaring, and in light of some fairly controversial statements made recently by the current US state secretary, i’d like to lay a ‘magic seven’ of arguments in favor of America continuing its policy of support for the fledgling post-Soviet state, other than, of course, me being its native. 1. Ukraine is an important asset in European collective security system. It’s stability and territorial integrity is vital to the order and safety of hundreds of millions of people residing in neighboring regions, in particular to the nation’s West, which are almost all member of European Union and/or NATO. Sure, Ukraine itself is not a member of either alliance and won’t likely be for a while, but the best way to ensure one’s own security is to help out a neighbor, moreover one that has repeatedly shown good disposition to you. US, as a guarantor and benefactor of European stability, is surely interested in Ukraine’s role in it. 2. Unfortunately, in recent dozen or so years we have had to contend with increased assertiveness and sometimes outright aggression of current Russian government, the brunt of which Ukraine has taken in the last three years. But the disturbing conduct of the Kremlin inhabitants does not by any means end in its or other post-Soviet republics’ territory: we ourselves are seeing repeated provocations by Russian airforce and battleships even near our shores, near-conflict situations on Syria, North Korea and so on. Supporting Ukraine in its European political and cultural choice would help fend Kremlin’s advances and eventually positively influence Russia proper, by striving to create a Western-style free and prosperous society. Sure, right now that goal seems quite far, but as the proverb goes, when there’s a will there’s a way. 3. There are many Ukrainians and people of other East European origins in the United States, such as Poles, Serbs, Croats, Hungarians, Czechs, Russian and Russian speakers and so on, who are sympathetic to Ukrainian and broader, East Europeans causes and affairs, in some states such as Illinois they even make up a very large part of the population(Chicago, for instance, is the world’s second-largest ‘Polish’ city after the nation’s capital of Warsaw), who watch anxiously what’s happening in their native lands, partake in their plights financially, personally and in many other ways, and whose interests and aspirations should not be neglected. Showing understanding of the needs and struggles faced by those East Europe nations, we would secure support of that electoral bloc, while serving general interests of our values. 4. Ukraine’s struggle for freedom itself should be seen in the light of America’s own values and history, as United states both faced early in its own existence very similar challenges and threats of ‘brotherly’ overlordship, and also has been historically known to aid other freedom-aspiring nations, be it in its own hemisphere, East Asia, Europe or Mid East. It is, in short, a very AMERICAN thing to support a nation, especially so large and influential, in its attempt to basically stand on its own two feet, without outside coercion. 5. It is besides everything else, a matter of American prestige. To abruptly end support of Ukraine’s drive to independence and right to pick its own destiny, would be a blow to American reputation, even if no other significant interests were at stake–though they definitely are. and in continuation of the ‘interests’ theme, let me say that’ 6. the opportunities for American business community, of which our current administration is rightfully mindful, abound in Ukraine. The nation has great infrastructure, scientific, technological and other baggage developed over centuries, as well as untapped potential in exploration of fields such as energy production(coal, shale gas, hydroelectric plants etc). And while neighboring Russia may present larger and richer field of exploration, Ukraine’s attempts at purging itself of corrupt and ineffective aspects of its economy, and to restyle and realign itself with Western concepts and practices of conducting business, provide much healthier working atmosphere. Ukraine needs both support and investment on its way to develop truly modern successful economy, and one who has greater hand in aiding it in this endeavor, will reap richest rewards. There are also great opportunities for American business in working with both government and their colleagues in Ukraine, in such fields, as military, high tech and so on. And while it is always bad when things turn to outright military conflict, the ever present chance of escalation of Kremlin-supported formations’ activities against Ukrainian armed forces, provides a potential for serious military equipment sales to the country–something the previous US president simply chickened out to do. 7. Finally, president Trump has recently stated that he needs and believes in strong cohesive Europe, capable of dealing with modern day challenges: in security, economy, immigration, and other fields. Ukraine is an inalienable part of European history and civilization, and any such planning simply cannot successfully and lastingly work without its inclusion. There are our seven ‘magic’ arguments in support of continued cooperation and aid by United States of America to Ukraine. Though we are pretty sure that readers can find many more on their own reasons to do so, whereas for opposite views, one might seriously struggle to produce them. We hope this material catches attention of at least someone in current American policy-making circles, and falls on fertile ground.
By Theodore Miraldi
The Multi-Cultural Farce Culture is the guiding characteristic of every society across the globe. What may astonish many, is that merely 10% of the world lives with the positive effects of Western Society. Western Culture has tamed the savage beast, giving the individual freedom of choice and higher standards of living. But most of all, it has given higher morality a conscience in a world ripe for disasters each and every day. It’s why most Western Constitutional Democracies/Republics have incremental type governments filled with checks and balances. Many nations take Immigrants from around the world guided by the old maxim that assimilation into the cultural norms of their adopted countries are expected. Not so any longer, and that’s the heart of the problem. In the past the only way outside invaders could hijack your community was by physical force, laying the groundwork to change the norms. Now, we gleefully invite individuals from savage nations to disrupt the public safety and destroy the rule of law. What we are seeing today are immigrants from nations with the most dysfunctional cultures crossing our borders and disrupting our social and cultural norms. We have seen the dramatic results in our cities, towns and communities and sit idly by contemplating the usefulness of marginal players upon an ever expanding welfare community. And although Immigrants have contributed to our expansion and power in the past, the majority of the newly arrived care less about becoming American citizens. We are being raped, morally, economically and legally by a wave Immigrants bent on confrontation and bully tactics. They call Americans Racists who stand up and defend our Laws or Beliefs. The United States has been looked upon as the last best hope for the world, by the rest of the world. Immigrants have been welcomed and embraced throughout our history. Those who feel they have some special privilege are wrong. We as a society give that honor to those who are deserving. It’s time to put the bullies back in the bottle! If you’re here illegally, you have NO RIGHTS! Thirty years ago, I said the huge influx of Immigrants from our southern border would set our nation back 40-50 years in social development. Why? The left decided that assimilation was either too much trouble for government to oversee, or the immigrants themselves had no intention of assimilation into an English speaking nation. Seeing no clear future adjustment in policy the flood gates remained open. Americans are now seeing the truth regarding this charade from the left as merely a plan to make this nation less white, and by extension less successful. What could be more irrational than that? I suggest anyone who still promotes the fantasy that cultures must be embraced should move their wives and children into a community filled with foreigners who disrespect our citizens and nation daily. Try getting a job, try defending your national honor. It is apparent in cluster communities. The same communities civil rights leaders have opposed as a form of segregation. Have we learned so little, or is this a planned invasion? One must feel the fear of an ever growing population that wants to tear away the foundations of Western Culture. It’s the very culture that offers the rest of the world hope of a better and safer life. Diluting the power of the American Dream needs to be resisted at all costs. The fact that there are more Non-English speaking immigrants in our nation than any time in history should be a dead give-away regarding non-assimilation. Immigration needs to be slow and with the intent, so that anyone who wants our Freedoms must prove their allegiance to our standards of an orderly society, and not that of a nation that they are fleeing. When you have figures like Jose Ramos spewing his hatred of White America and its values, gleeful of a possible future when Whites will become the minority, it’s time to act. Multi-Culturism is failing around the world, and it’s not the first time! My apologies to those Immigrants who love and serve our nation, sometimes with their lives. We welcome you with open arms. To those who insist on resistance, maybe you’re in the wrong place. |
August 2024
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