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Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. “I come from an ordinary family, and this is how I lived for a long time, nearly my whole life. I lived as an average, normal person and I have always maintained that connection,” Mr Putin recalls.
ladimir Putin’s mother, Maria Shelomova, was a very kind, benevolent person.
I am immigrant from the former Soviet Union, state… By Ilya Galak, Citizens Magazine (Russian speaking resident of Staten Island, NY) A collective letter, compiled from letters of Russian speaking residents of New York, sent to «Citizens Magazine». I value my personal freedom, freedom that I never had under the triumphant socialist system in my former country.I love having an autonomous and seemingly unlimited choice of partners, religions, political parties and lifestyles.I love that I am personally responsible for the care and well-being of my wife, my children and myself.I love that in America we are individuals, and recognize that people are different by nature and it is harmful to generalize, as if one size fits all.I am for equality of opportunity rather than equality of wages.I’m happy for my neighbor who buys a Mercedes 600 with money earned in the free-market, and not stolen from me and people like me, while pushing our country to ruinous inflation and ultimately, bankruptcy.I am proud of the Americans who were able to create, store and convey to their posterity both mate-rial and the spiritual assets, despite the intractable resistance of many professional politicians who care only about their re-election I am proud of the country where all people, regardless of race or religion, have the opportunity to prove themselves and take their rightful place on Earth. I bow to both Republican President Abraham Lincoln and African-American preacher, Martin Luther King for championing these cause, causes for which they paid with their lives. I do not accept the monopoly of the lazy that claims the right to speak on behalf of the state. I hate it when they tell me how to spend my money, what books to read in school, what products to buy in the stores, or how to travel when visiting friends abroad. I will not accept the dictates of poli-ticians, who believe that they canmanage and trade what is not theirs— my life, liberty, property and thefuture of my children.Socialists call me «opportunist»and «capitalist» because I workfrom morning till night, rather thanlay all day on the couch with a bottleof beer demanding that my electedofficials provide me with my equalshare of the pie.My sweat, muscle, time andmoney — these are the contribu-tions I want to make to earn my wayin society. But the choices of bu-reaucrats and sycophants are flat-tery, demands, organizing protestrallies. This form of exchange is notsatisfying for me — but I am forcedto participate, as they say this lieand tell me that this is good for society, nation and state.What is the difference whichmethods are used to take up mytime and steal my money? The society that abuses its productive citizens is immoral.No, I’m not for anarchy. A government must exist! But if the greedy professional politicians, labor unions and specific community-based organizations for the benefit of that government and not for me,what purpose is the state serving?In this sense it is worst of all possible worlds, because it enslaves,beguiles and humiliates its citizens— and not so much the rich as the poor. And in the course of the doing, politicians focus their innocent eyes and point their fingers at the«money-hungry businessmen», entrepreneurs and ordinary, decent people. - 8 -№ 8 August 2010I am envied because I drive a good car, live in anice house, provide my children with opportunities fora good education and every year take my family onvacation.I refuse to apologize for these things — I have workedvery hard in order to support myself and my family. Norwill I apologize for being a consumer of the finer thingsthat life can provide. Why? Well, because I’m a worka-holic. Because I put all of my soul into my own businessand in my work! Because my brain is constantly workingon ideas and methods to improve productivity.I refuse to apologize for being professional in mywork and doing it better than others. I do not think thatbecause more people voluntarily hire me — rather thanmy competitors — is somehow to be considered a fault.I am not forcing them to do so — they hire me becauseit is beneficial to them. I refuse to apologize for my suc-cess, for my talents or my money. The source of my suc-cess lies not in my connections with bureaucrats, but inmeeting the needs of people who hire me.We do not need a middleman to sell services andgoods; he is always cranking rates and increasing therisk of fraud to both seller and buyer. I do not need amediator to help people build temples, dress orphans orsupport old age homes.I voluntarily give my resources to the fight againstpoverty, because without money and education mangoes out to rob or kill. I understand that, and readilysupport teachers, hospitals and police. But when thelast shirt is torn off your back and you are charged withthe obligation to share with professional beggars in thestreets and in the office, you scoff at this form of en-forced charity. Here are my principles; I am not forcing youto take them on. I never force — I propose a«product» of material and spiritual values, ser- vices, or simply gifts and donations. If there issomething you do not like, then do not buy,exchange, or accept. MARKET PRICE will tell me your choice and the degree of your satisfac-tion. 1. Don’t ask the politician to take from a neighborwhat you personally are ashamed to beg for. Relyon yourself. If you did well — enjoy yourself. If youdid poorly — accept the loss or bankruptcy or lack offriends and relatives. But do not blame the neighbor, ifyou yourself are lazy, if you have children from threemarriages and can’t normally dress them, because youprefer drugs or beer to a normal upbringing of yourchildren. Look in the mirror more often. Respect your-self, but do not blame your neighbor for your healthproblems.2. When you lend money, requires an account. It Midland Bach, Statn Island does not matter whether a few cents to buy a roll for ason or a couple of million to pay in taxes to the state.You must know specifically who, what and how muchis spent. Always compare and think, would this job bedone at another place for less. Do not be shy to inviteprofessional controllers. Only they can reveal profes-sional crooks. Look to the results when judging politi-cians: another term, or behind bars.3. Don’t trade in your conscience and principles. Donot cheat your neighbor or they will delight in deceivingyou. It is fine to compromise, but only with small things.By stealing, raping, or betraying a partner, client, cus-tomer, taxpayer just once — you can put a stamp onyourself for a long time.4. Judge or be judged. Always be able to defendyour point of view. Tell the jerk that he is a jerk, tell thescoundrel that he is a scoundrel. Silence is all it takesfor evil to rule the day. Do not be afraid to vote against, - 9 - № 8 August 2010even if everyone else votes in favor.Perhaps it is not you; perhaps thewhole world has gone mad. If youhave something to say — speak up!It is easier for self-appointed revo-lutionaries or community organiz-ers to use the silent, submissive ma-jority. Form your own opinions, butdo not think that it’s always right, beopen to listen to the ideas of others.Do not pity the weak and dishon-ored, better to teach them how tobe strong and find themselves.5. Think! It does not hurt! To sur-vive, nature has given you brains --the ability to think. You don’t haveto think, either — nobody’s forcingyou — but if you don’t think, youwill not enjoy work, or beer, or thespa, socializing, or sex. Why wouldyou need this life? The sooner youlearn to think, the quicker and morelikely your find yourself on top ofthe human pyramid.6. First, learn to think small. Ex-periment. Find partners and friendsamong the professionals, not thesycophants. Professionals alwayshave something to offer in returnfor your brain, heart, or capital. Be-ware of the professional beggars inthe streets and in the offices — theyare only capable of solicitation andblasphemy. They will always bitethe extended hand, because theyhate the state of dependence, butcannot and do not want to shakeoff the sloth in order to change any-thing.7. Respect tradition, but don’tstress yourself if you violate them.Customs and traditions were in-vented by people who, hundredsof years ago, had a pool of infor-mation that was vastly different. It’ssilly to require implementation ofcertain universal rules of conduct,particularly within the family.8. Do not hide in the face andchallenges of real life. It is not im-portant what the problems are,because for many, you can onlyblame yourself. You made thewrong choice. In many cases, youdid not control the situation. It isimportant to quickly begin to solvethe problems rather than to pre-tend they don’t exist. Gather yourforces, the means, the will, a planof action. If necessary, form a team— and move forward. If somethingis not working, then ask a profes-sional, rather than attempt to rein-vent the wheel. You see, in this lifeit is hard to find a unique problem.Everything has already happenedsomewhere to someone. Just don’t drink beer if you wantto get rid of a hangover. Do not eat7 times a day and before bedtime,if you want to lose weight. Do notwaste your money, which you do nothave, using endless supply of creditcards and mortgages. Payback timewill come eventually. This applies toboth individuals and businesses andeven the whole government.9. Do not try to change nature.Tractors with vertical takeoff andturning back of rivers already tookplace in the former Soviet Union.You do not have a magic wand, aflying carpet and a golden fish.10. Do not walk past someoneelse’s misfortune. When you help aneighbor — help, do not spit in hiswell, he needs it to drink. A poisonedwell is of no service to anyone.11. War is always the destruc-tion, not creation of wealth. But ifyou are attacked, if they want to de-stroy all your values to impose theirown, you should be ready and ableto defend yourself.12. Government, as a rule, isusually a negative factor in the fam-ily budget. Not everything in thisworld has a market price. Often,the pleasure derived from a gratefulelderly or from your children mayfar exceed the profits earned frombusiness dealings. At the same time,don’t forget that in order to be ableto give, you first must earn.13. Man does not live on breadalone. Don’t sponge off the chari-ties; just get up and help. Becauseit is what you need. Because tomor-row, even you’ll be old and feeble.Because it is an investment in yourpersonal future. Because peopleare not bastards by nature. Bas-tards they become willingly and ingood faith of the divinity of the mostdivine of all gods — PROFESSION-AL POLITICIANS. People are good,honest, and responsive. I am an immigrant from theformer Soviet Union, I believein man. I love people. I love America. I have every reasonto believe that it is mutu Bitter Clingers Hang BY Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy. America is suffering through a leadership crisis that threatens to swamp the Ship of State in the shoals of collectivism, cronyism, and corruption. Our leaders dither around acting as if they use Dilbert as a leadership manual destroying the present for a utopian future that will never come to pass. They never seem to realize that their progressive collectivist diktats cause the symptoms they are implemented to cure. Just as the massive collectivization of America under Hoover and FDR made the Depression great so BHO’s stimuli and strangulation regulation has once again proven that you cannot spend your way to prosperity and that taking $10 out of your right hand pocket siphoning off 50% for handling and depositing $5 in your left pocket doesn’t make you any richer. In other words government doesn’t have anything to give anyone that it doesn’t take from someone else. We are surrounded by monuments of failed and farcical leadership. Our Dear Leader who will not utter the term “Radical Islamic Terrorism” tells us with a straight face that more people die in bathtub accidents than in terrorist attacks. This may be true however, using the analogy when asked about terrorism was obviously devised to make light of a threat that is real and at least worthy of being named and treated as the death dealing attack upon our nation that it is. One presidential candidate is a pathological liar grasping for power to do what? Generate even bigger donations from crony capitalists and foreign powers for the Clinton Global Crime Initiative and bigger speaking fees for Bubba. Speaking of which, what is the difference between Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton? This isn’t the set up for a joke it is a legitimate question concerning the comparison between a lecherous former president and a lecherous former TV star. Here’s the punchline. Bill Cosby is being tried by a crusading progressive judge for crimes in the past and Bill Clinton is lionized by crusading progressives in the media as our beloved ex-president who was smart enough to take credit for the laws forced upon him by the Gingrich Congress. Bill Cosby gets booked and Bill Clinton books another speaking tour. That’s the difference. We have another presidential candidate who is selling hope and change under the banner of making America great again. Having bought a few pigs in a poke in my life I have an uncanny ability to smell a pig when it walks into my living room. It reminds me of a time when I wanted to refinance a house. I decided to try one of the big online lenders who dominate a large portion of the click-for-cash market. I spend a few days filling out forms and speaking with a friendly customer service person.
Then the papers arrived for me to sign and the interest rate was quite a bit higher than we had agreed on. When I called the friendly customer service person they were still really friendly as they advised, “Oh, that’s just a typo. Go ahead and sign the papers any way and we’ll change the interest rate later.” Suddenly a strong pungent odor wafted into my living room and I declined the generous offer to hold the bag. I will recall this story and smell the wind as I vote this November. The largest 3rd party and the only one that is going to be on the ballot in all fifty states has a candidate who makes boring feel exciting, people stripping naked at their national convention, promotes open borders, free trade and doesn’t have a prayer. The best the political elites have to offer is launching a cypher as an independent candidate that they hope will force the election into the House where their golden boy Paul Ryan could engineer a pyric victory of the status quo. What’s a patriot who believes in limited government, individual freedom, and economic opportunity to do? Back in April of 2008 before our dear Leader was immaculated he addressed the reaction of the great unwashed in fly-over country by saying, “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” What was meant as a slur has become a badge of pride to many who proclaim, “I am a bitter clinger.” Rejecting the racist projection that anyone who does not embrace the globalist gelding of America we Bitter Clingers may cling to our guns (2nd Amendment) and our religion (1st Amendment). We don’t have any antipathy towards those who don’t look like us because to even say that we do is assuming that we all look alike and we don’t. We’re Americans and as such we look like everyone because we and our ancestors came from everywhere. To say we’re anti-immigrant is to say you can judge our hearts. We are actually pro-American and believe we should control our borders, decide who we want to join us as citizens, select the best and brightest and move forward. And to say we are anti-trade is like saying we don’t shop at Wal-Mart. We are anti-giveaway trade where we get cheap products at the cost of gutting our industrial base and out-sourcing our jobs. We want equitable trade, fair trade not we open our borders to the world and we still have to pay tariffs and fees to sell in other countries’ trade. Trump has uttered the politically-incorrect phrase we bitter clingers believe in America First. At least he has said it and perhaps now we can come in out of the shadows where the PC police have tried to marginalize us. The Silent Majority is silent no more. We want America First. We want leaders who will restore the Constitution. We want our country back! So what do we do? It is time for the bitter clingers to hang on because we are in for a bumpy ride. In the next few years we will either step on the yellow brick road that leads to a return to the greatness Americans once took for granted or we will continue our slide down the shoot into the shabby collectivist hellhole the progressives call utopia. Keep the Faith. Keep the peace. We shall overcome. Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens [email protected] Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens Avast There’s an Iceberg Ahead! By Dr. Robert Owens One of America’s greatest philosophers once quipped, "A nickel isn't worth a dime today" and the inverse logic of that still holds true. On Sept. 22, 2011 in a speech to business executives Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “Debt is the biggest threat to U.S. national security.” When the leader of the people famous for $800 hammers and $640 toilet seats has to lecture business leaders about the perils of deficit spending we know capitalism in America has jumped the track. After World War I the world’s monetary system was in disarray. The victorious Allies sought to revive the gold standard. However the structure which had been put in place after 1918 collapsed during the Great Depression. Some economists believe that the world’s attempt to remain on the gold standard prevented central banks from expanding the money supply enough to revive the world’s economies. The problem was they couldn’t print enough money if it actually had to be worth something. After World War II, representatives of the once again victorious allies met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to create a new international monetary system. At the time the United States accounted for more than 50% of the world's manufacturing capacity and also held most of the world's gold. Since America was the uncontested economic Superpower these leaders decided to tie world currencies to the dollar. The value of the dollar would in turn be controlled and supported by the fact that the dollar would be tied to gold at $35 per ounce. While the Bretton Woods System was in force the central banks were given the task of maintaining fixed exchange rates. This was accomplished by massive and continuous intervention in foreign exchange markets. When a country's currency became too expensive in relation to the dollar, that country’s central bank would sell its currency for dollars thus driving down the value of its currency. And if the value of a country's money became too low, that country would then aggressively buy its own currency to drive the price up. This Bretton Woods System worked well until 1971. By then, due to the “Guns and Butter” economic policies of the Johnson and Nixon administrations inflation in the United States and America’s rapidly expanding trade deficit undermined the value of the dollar. As a result America urged the now recovered and economically powerful Germany and Japan to increase the value of their currencies. Both nations did not want to do this. Raising the value of their currencies hurt their exports by increasing the prices for their goods in the United States which was their largest market. When the pressure became unbearable, when too many nations were redeeming too many dollars against America’s dwindling gold supply the United States unilaterally abandoned the fixed gold value of the dollar allowing it to "float." Floating with relationship to money means it is allowed to fluctuate when compared to the currencies of other countries. Immediately the value of the dollar fell substantially when compared to other currencies, especially those of Germany and Japan. This caused turbulence in the economies of nations and sent shockwaves through the political systems of the world. In consequence the leaders of the major countries made an effort to revive the Bretton Woods system. They came together in 1971, and reached the Smithsonian Agreement which for the first time allowed for the negotiation of fixed exchange rates. However, this attempt soon failed.
In 1973, The United States and the other major economic powers agreed to a new system known as Managed Float. This meant that central banks would still intervene with the buying and selling of their own currencies to eliminate any changes that might be perceived as too dramatic. How long will this system of floating money, fiat currency, and systemic debt last? Since I started with a quote from my favorite American philosopher, Yogi Berra I will frame my comments about the end result of America’s love affair with monopoly money and ever growing debt with another nugget from this source of double think profundity, "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future" You know, I know and anyone who has enough economic awareness to realize you can’t spend more than you make forever knows that our present governmental financial framework is unsustainable. Why? Apparently our leaders believe you can spend more than you make forever. If you have ever tried to manage your Visa payments by charging them to MasterCard you know the end of that game. Our leaders have pawned our grandchildren’s future for the votes they buy with social programs, tax giveaways, and bail-outs. However it is hard to lay all the blame on the shoulders of the perpetually re-elected. The government is the people writ large. Almost every household in America is in debt. Almost every business in America is in debt. Debt is not a bad thing in and of itself. Actually it is one of the most liberating inventions in the world. It allows economic activity to grow based upon future activity instead of just on current holdings. This provides a multiplier effect that has given rise to the modern world. However, when we spend more of the future than the present can service we have inverted the pyramid and are inviting a correction. Even if the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media are blathering on about how good the stock market is doing, that the pretend unemployment rate is falling, that there is no inflation, and that the President says everything is coming up roses, the alternative media knows the present course is unsustainable. Unsustainable. That word is spoken day after day on Fox and printed multiple times every day online from thousands of blogs, magazines, and newspapers. All it means is it can’t last forever, or as an alarmist might say, “A crash is coming!” Or as the economic pirates who sail the crony capitalist seas might say, “Avast there’s an iceberg ahead!” Sure the stock market is flying high. With the Fed pumping 85 billion a month into the banking system why wouldn’t it? With that kind of money coming in why not play the Lotto? Sure the unemployment rate is falling as long as you don’t count the people who have quit looking for a job. Sure there’s no inflation as long as you don’t count energy or food. And of course the President says everything is getting better all the time that is what his teleprompter tells him to say. So, how long will this system of floating money, fiat currency, and systemic debt last? None of us gets to live in the world we grew up in because the world moves too fast. Things change. What was science fiction yesterday is your cell phone today. One thing we can know for sure is that it isn’t over till it’s over. Yet from a realistic evaluation of the deep hole we have spent ourselves into the future isn’t what it used to be and if the world were perfect it wouldn’t be. Is there any way to stop this train wreck before we hit the wall? Can we reign in Washington and stop the money borrowed from the future that the best and the brightest are spending? What do you think? I wish I had an answer to that because I’m tired of answering the question. What do we know? We know that the record breaking new people elected to the House in the great Tea Party victories of 2010 and 2014 affirmed Boehner as the leader of the co-opted opposition, voted for multiple debt ceiling increases, and renewed the Patriot Act. Now Mr. Ryan is carrying on the failed tradition bailing out Puerto Rico and reaching across the aisle to pass a 1.1 trillion dollar porkulus budget that funds BHO’s fundamental transformation of America. We know that another Progressive Republican à la Romney had no chance to beat BHO and we know it probably wouldn’t have made any difference if he did. Now along comes The Donald facing off against a restoration of the Billary interlewd. Is there any chance of turning this Titanic around or at least altering course before we hit the iceberg of insolvency and impotence? At least with Billary we know where we will be headed, into the dustbin of History. With Mr. Trump we are headed into uncharted waters. Who knows what he will do? I suspect even he doesn’t. And as America’s greatest philosopher once said, “If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2016 Robert R. Owens [email protected] Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens By Rachel Shapiro | [email protected]
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Those who spent part of their lives in the former Soviet Union remember what it was like to live under a repressive socialist regime, and on Staten Island, some of them are hoping Donald Trump becomes the next American president. Four Russian and Ukrainian men, who are longtime Staten Island residents and who have called America their home for between 23 and 27 years each, spoke with the Advance about their support for Trump and their hope that the Russian-speaking population on Staten Island and elsewhere recall their experience with socialism and reject both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, garnered 82 percent of the vote on Staten Island in the April 19 primary when Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich were still in the running. Igor Baboshkin of Emerson Hill, Dmitry Lisovetsky of Dongan Hills, Ilya Galak of Annadale and Arkadiy Fridman of New Dorp believe that among the Russian-speaking population on Staten Island, Trump has support in the 80 percent range. "And everyone says Trump is anti-immigrant," Fridman said with a laugh. He and his colleagues are all active in the Island's large Russian-speaking community — Lisovetsky through the Russian funeral home he owns, Baboshkin as publisher of Russian-language newspapers and as president of Russian Americans Council of Staten Island, Galak as a member of a civic organization and involved with Fridman in a local publication, Citizens Magazine. Fridman is also president of the Staten Island Community Center. The men fear there is a movement in American politics toward harmful socialist policies. Under such policies in the former Soviet Union "everyone became equal and poor," Fridman said. The men shared stories of having no money and no goods available to buy even if they did have the means to purchase them. In America, all four men work hard to build lives for themselves and their families, own businesses and houses, and they want to see economic growth more than anything. Galak calls himself a one-issue voter: Is it made in America? Good. When he recently needed to purchase fire alarm cable for his job as an electrical engineer for a building project, he gave his business to the one New York-based company he could find that sold the good. Most of the time, the products he buys come from China. A Democrat — the only one in the group of four, the others Republicans — he voted in the primary for Sanders because he wants to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States. But Galak said Trump has his vote in the general election. "Without manufacturing, our country is doomed," he said. Fridman believes that the larger group of Eastern European immigrants who have become American citizens will support Trump. The men all came to America legally, waiting, in some cases, a few years before getting the proper green-lit paperwork. They have seen, in their personal experiences, little motivation for new immigrants to work hard in America. Read Full Story Lisovetsky said it's hard to find Russian-speaking employees for his business because they would rather collect unemployment benefits and food stamps. "We came to start working," Fridman said. "We understood that we have to become Americans." They believe Trump will do everything he can to reform the immigration system that has people waiting far too long and encourages illegal immigration by rewarding people with handouts. They also like that Trump opposed the Iraq War and other military aggressions, being slower to get American troops involved in conflict than perhaps Clinton's record would suggest she would be as president. Asked whether they truly believe socialism in Eastern Europe could come to America, they expressed their belief that a close enough version could. Having come from oppressive governments, the four men agree: more government means more corruption. That is perhaps the biggest reason they support Trump, for his support of limited government, lower taxes, private sector growth and more incentives for businesses to locate in America, instead of much-more-affordable overseas locations. With a more business-friendly climate, America could become a place where companies can afford to locate to, they argued, and create jobs. That climate won't be created under a Clinton or Sanders presidency, they believe, only a Trump administration. "Corruption exists only when [the] government has a lot of money, when we don't have private investment anymore," Fridman said. "So government taxes the middle class, then collects the tax money and invests in government projects and wastes the money. When [the] private sector invests, the private sector makes sure that we will not lose the money ... every penny counts." Trump Tames Billary By Dr. Robert Owens Back in the days of the peace dividend, “Read my lips,” and “It’s the economy stupid” we were told we got two for the price of one. And we sure did. One president to chase skirts in the Oval Office and one harridan to persecute his victims: Billary, the corrupt couple from Whitewater. Remember back in the Sleazy Nineties when the Clinton interlewed between George I and George II lowered the standards for what was acceptable public conduct. Remember all the fun we had with these two madcap political savants: Chinagate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Vince Foster, Filegate, the Cattle Futures Miracle, Lootergate, Drug Dealer Donor Scandal, Ponzi Scheme, and the Political Favor Scandal. Then in 2000 Al Gore their trusty assistant failed in his bid to continue their legacy of lunacy. After two terms of Bushness the female side of Billary was in the Senate not passing legislation just screeching enough to keep her name in the headlines, approving wars she would later repudiate, and condemning Bush for believing phony intelligence she believed before she doubted. In the meantime Bubba was flying off on the Lotlia Express to Orgy Island for a little RR with underage sex slaves. Along comes 2008 and she and her con-conspirator Bill lined up for a re-run of the bimbo eruption express. A funny thing happened on the way to her coronation. Barack Hussein Obama erupted from who knows where, and reminiscent of the sainted JFK who defeated Tricky Dick he vanquished the Duality of Deception and just as JFK’s media facilitators built Camelot he built Chicago-on-the-Potomac. This is a wondrous place where America gets fundamentally transformed from the Unipolar Hegemon of the World into a banana republic whose Tin Pot rules by decree, the borders are erased, the New Normal says .05% growth is the best we can do, and our Dear Leader bows to foreign despots and apologizes for who we were. All that was just a bump in the road. Along comes 2012 and after four years as a figurehead Secretary of State handing out re-set buttons that didn’t work, presiding over the massacre in Benghazi, and setting up an illegal private server so Bubba could solicit pre-election bribes she is ready to ride the backs of a complicit media back into the White House. A funny thing happened on her way to her second coronation. Crazy Bernie after years of being a Socialist back bencher became a Democratic Socialist and started winning primaries. His brand of “From each according to their ability to each according to their need” Marxism appealed to the everyone-gets-a-trophy-for-showing-up generation and Billery started taking on water. As the BOGO candidate failed to put away the crazy guy on the left they traded promises to give everyone everything, to punish business, and humble, humiliate, and cripple America even more than BHO. Just because she is universally known to be an inveterate liar people seemed to believe the crazy one more than the sleazy one. Crazy Bernie’s crowds filled stadiums and she was lucky to fill gymnasiums. In an honest contest crazy would have beaten sleazy but it wasn’t anywhere near a fair fight. The media carries water for the Duality of Debauchery and the super delegates in the Democrat system make the voters merely cover for smoke-filled rooms. In the old days Bill would bite his lip and tell us, “I did not have sex with that woman,” or Hillary would remind us she is a woman and that would settle the matter. Just like prosecutors believe they can indict a ham sandwich the media believed they could foist any type of incompetent dishonest lecher and his less than better half on the great unwashed. Then along came Trump. The Donald upended the calculations of the Perpetually Reelected- Mainstream Media-Crony Capitalist Cartel. The political hacks are confounded not knowing how to counter his counter punches. The Media can’t help themselves. They have to cover everything he says since he pushes their ratings which have been taking a beating from alternative online sources. They may spend more time trying to destroy him than anything else, but it turns out there is no such thing as bad press and they do spell his name right. And the Crony Capitalists? He’s one of their own, so if they haven’t already jumped on the Trump Train they will, because they know which side of their bread is buttered and they always end up on the winning side. There are still many interesting things to look forward to in this unusual election cycle. Billary will go over the top even if she loses California, but Crazy Bernie won’t go away. He’s like the goofy old uncle who always shows up. Sometimes you aren’t even sure how he is related to you, but he always shows up. Then we have the 2016 Republican National Convention which will be held in Cleveland, Ohio at the Quicken Loans Arena July 18-21, 2016. It will be the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH complete with all-star entertainment, suspense and drama. This will break records for ratings and launch Trump the Magnificent onto the world stage as the anointed leader of the millionaires and billionaires who are going to save the forgotten man. Next comes the 2016 Democratic Convention that will be held at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia July 25th-28th, 2016. That will either be a snoozefest or Chicago 1968 on steroids. After this gathering of give-away artists have done all they can to whip their disparate interest groups into line, bribe the covetous, and fool the rest, after more than a year of preliminaries we finally will arrive at the actual election campaign. Ah, the 2016 election this should be a show worth watching. Billary will try everything. Bill will bite his lip and Hillary will remind everyone she’s a woman. The Media will do their best to paint her as a St. Hillary of Arch riding in to save us from the Trump monster. This should be Kabuki of the highest order. Billary will flail around using the same Democrat playbook as always and hurl baseless charges through their media megaphone like they did with Romney, “He hasn’t paid taxes in years” or “He gave someone a wedgie back in seventh grade.” Bill will bite his lip and Hillary will still be a woman. Mr. Trump will counterpunch so effectively Bill will be calling her Crooked Hillary before he’s done. They won’t know what hit them. They are busy building up the Clinton Library and Message Parlor with bribes, I mean donations, from the misogynistic oil slicks and anyone else who wants to get on the waiting list to rent the Lincoln Bedroom or get a pardon. Having made millions giving 20 minute speeches about nothing Billary has no conception of what a person who really builds things and is a mover and shaker based on their achievements not their connections can move and shake. They’ll have PTSD by the time the election results add their name to Goldwater and McGovern in the list of also rans. Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens [email protected] Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens Excerpt: There are still many interesting things to look forward to in this unusual election cycle. |
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