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By Theodore Miraldi on June 7, 2017
Apocalyptic & PUNCH-DRUNK On Power The Left’s gone Apocalyptic! Trump has given the Planet the Finger! Somehow if the Middle Class in our nation refuses to pay polluters to stop destroying the climate, it’s America’s FAULT! The World is a Mess, and Trump barely in office 6 months is to BLAME! They must really think the rest of us are just plain stupid. It’s the failed policies of the Anointed One that is responsible for bringing the mess out There … HERE! The greatest tragedy befalling the Democrats has been the loss of feeling the pulse of the middle class. So invested in minority issues, the oars that power the Ship of State are floating aimlessly in a sea of delusions. Feeling invincible after 8 years of petulant power brokering, Harvard types and Ivy leaguers have created a maze of half truths, and fake information. The wholesale failures of the Free Press to investigate and report is pushing propaganda to the young and idealism to the hardliners who care little for the truth. The Arrogance of Power displayed by Obama has trickled down to his fanatical base in an effort to make the United States of America, a South American Nightmare. The losers within our society have been made to feel like the winners through no logical process, or qualified achievements. This folly of fools have talked themselves into thinking they have finally overcome their stupidity to become the brain trust of the nation. The so-called Free Press isn’t all that Free anymore. What unfortunately has become easy to divulge is, un-sourceable gibberish and hacked classified documents. Hillary Clinton was proven to leak classified information by the thousand. Where was the Free Press? The same nefarious forces within the Obama regime are still at work trying to take down our government. They are Punch Drunk by a charlatan that gave the nation his middle finger and enjoyed every second of watching this nation loose its footing at home and abroad. Nothing but hysteria from the Losers. Nothing seems to change.
By Theodore Miraldi
The Multi-Cultural Farce Culture is the guiding characteristic of every society across the globe. What may astonish many, is that merely 10% of the world lives with the positive effects of Western Society. Western Culture has tamed the savage beast, giving the individual freedom of choice and higher standards of living. But most of all, it has given higher morality a conscience in a world ripe for disasters each and every day. It’s why most Western Constitutional Democracies/Republics have incremental type governments filled with checks and balances. Many nations take Immigrants from around the world guided by the old maxim that assimilation into the cultural norms of their adopted countries are expected. Not so any longer, and that’s the heart of the problem. In the past the only way outside invaders could hijack your community was by physical force, laying the groundwork to change the norms. Now, we gleefully invite individuals from savage nations to disrupt the public safety and destroy the rule of law. What we are seeing today are immigrants from nations with the most dysfunctional cultures crossing our borders and disrupting our social and cultural norms. We have seen the dramatic results in our cities, towns and communities and sit idly by contemplating the usefulness of marginal players upon an ever expanding welfare community. And although Immigrants have contributed to our expansion and power in the past, the majority of the newly arrived care less about becoming American citizens. We are being raped, morally, economically and legally by a wave Immigrants bent on confrontation and bully tactics. They call Americans Racists who stand up and defend our Laws or Beliefs. The United States has been looked upon as the last best hope for the world, by the rest of the world. Immigrants have been welcomed and embraced throughout our history. Those who feel they have some special privilege are wrong. We as a society give that honor to those who are deserving. It’s time to put the bullies back in the bottle! If you’re here illegally, you have NO RIGHTS! Thirty years ago, I said the huge influx of Immigrants from our southern border would set our nation back 40-50 years in social development. Why? The left decided that assimilation was either too much trouble for government to oversee, or the immigrants themselves had no intention of assimilation into an English speaking nation. Seeing no clear future adjustment in policy the flood gates remained open. Americans are now seeing the truth regarding this charade from the left as merely a plan to make this nation less white, and by extension less successful. What could be more irrational than that? I suggest anyone who still promotes the fantasy that cultures must be embraced should move their wives and children into a community filled with foreigners who disrespect our citizens and nation daily. Try getting a job, try defending your national honor. It is apparent in cluster communities. The same communities civil rights leaders have opposed as a form of segregation. Have we learned so little, or is this a planned invasion? One must feel the fear of an ever growing population that wants to tear away the foundations of Western Culture. It’s the very culture that offers the rest of the world hope of a better and safer life. Diluting the power of the American Dream needs to be resisted at all costs. The fact that there are more Non-English speaking immigrants in our nation than any time in history should be a dead give-away regarding non-assimilation. Immigration needs to be slow and with the intent, so that anyone who wants our Freedoms must prove their allegiance to our standards of an orderly society, and not that of a nation that they are fleeing. When you have figures like Jose Ramos spewing his hatred of White America and its values, gleeful of a possible future when Whites will become the minority, it’s time to act. Multi-Culturism is failing around the world, and it’s not the first time! My apologies to those Immigrants who love and serve our nation, sometimes with their lives. We welcome you with open arms. To those who insist on resistance, maybe you’re in the wrong place. |
August 2024
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